The word work is written in black and blue on a white background.
A brown poodle with a red tag that says dog on it


Chief FURnancial Officer

A black and white drawing of a telephone on a white background.
+61 3 9052 5122
A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.

Meet Roger

Roger is a seasoned executive leader with a 7+ dog-year career spanning Fetch Development, Barketing and Operational S&P (Snack & Play) Management. With vast experience supporting fellow furry friends with strategy, implementation and management of treat retrieval and toy squeaking, Roger makes an invaluable asset to the team.

Roger is a versatile and pawsitively effective leader in the private and public pet sectors. With diverse experience across various backyards, parks, and living rooms, Roger has the ability to lead anyone in the pack.

His ability to foster deep connections across sectors, makes him an influential figure in the fast-paced world of doggos, where he continues to set the standard with his canine accomplishments.

Reach out to Roger today by heading to our socials (we're on tiktok now! @worktrybe)
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